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To my dear parents Chuck and Grace who taught me the importance of pursuing excellence and instilled in me a love for books; to my sister Nancy for her compassion and unselfishness, her husband Jason and their beautiful daughters Madison and Peyton; and to my brother Glen for his friendship and our fond memories growing up, his wife Linda, and their precious son Eric.








To my wife Eileen for her love, friendship, support, and encouragement. To my parents George and Jackie for their constant loving support, and to my sons Andrew and Gabriel who show to me the importance of family values, every day. To all my teachers and mentors, who took the time and effort to teach and serve as role models.








I would like to dedicate this book to my lovely wife, Gillian, and our son, Andre Jr., who have allowed me to pursue my life's work and supported me my entire career as a trauma surgeon and educator.








To the residents and students who continue to challenge and push the frontiers of medicine. And to my wife, Samantha, and daughter, Mieko, who have rekindled my appreciation for everything that is wonderful in life.








To the wonderful medical students of the McGovern Medical School at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth) for whom this curriculum was developed.
