The inspiration for this basic science series originated at an educational retreat led by Dr. Maximilian Buja, who at that time was Dean of the Medical School. It has been a joy to work with Dr. Margaret Uthman and her husband, Dr. Ed Uthman, and Dr. Earl J. Brown who are accomplished mentors, scientists, and teachers. Likewise, I would like to thank the hard work of the other contributors. I especially thank Alaina Johnson, a fourth year medical student, for her time and expertise in helping to edit this book, adding high yield tables and reviewing the manuscript for readability. I appreciate McGraw-Hill for believing in the concept of teaching by clinical cases, and I owe a great debt to Catherine Johnson, who has been a fantastically encouraging and enthusiastic editor. Alaina wishes to acknowledge God, for giving her the grace and strength to pursue a career in medicine, and her parents, Allan and Kelly, for their constant encouragement, sacrifice, and dedication to helping her achieve her goals. At the Methodist Hospital, I appreciate Drs. Mark Boom, Karin Pollock-Larsen, H. Dirk Sostman, and Judy Paukert, and Mr. John Lyle and Mr. Reggie Abraham. At St. Joseph Medical Center, I would like to recognize our outstanding administrators: Phil Robinson, Pat Mathews, Laura Fortin, Dori Upton, Cecile Reynolds, and Drs. John Bertini and Thomas V. Taylor. I appreciate Marla Buffington's advice and assistance. Without the help from my colleagues in the Southwest Community Clinic, Bernie King, Cornell McKenzie, Carlissa Bowler, Kathy Hinze, Laura P Fernandez, and Sr. Roseanne Popp, MD, this book could not have been written. Most important, I am humbled by the love, affection, and encouragement from my lovely wife, Terri, and our four children, Andy, Michael, Allison, and Christina.