The curriculum that evolved into the ideas for this series was inspired by two talented and forthright students, Philbert Yao and Chuck Rosipal, who have since graduated from medical school. It is also a privilege to work with Dr. Ross, who has been a steady hand in administrating the medical student clerkship for many years and continues to be a remarkable teacher. In addition, I am awed by the many excellent contributors who continue to work under the deadlines and pleas of perfectionists. I am greatly indebted to my editor, Bob Boehringer, Madison Tucky, and Christina Thomas whose diligence and support have helped to improve this series. I appreciate McGraw Hill’s believing in the concept of teaching through clinical cases. I am also grateful to Catherine Saggese for her excellent production expertise. At McGovern Medical School (UTHealth) at Houston, I appreciate the support of my chairman, Dr. Sean Blackwell, who is an amazing leader with a brilliant intellect, an unparalleled work ethic, and a generous heart that inspires beyond our department; and Dr. Patricia Butler, who as Vice Chair for Educational Programs of our school exemplifies all that is excellent in medical education and has served as a role model and mentor for me. I want to acknowledge the many medical students who have helped to sharpen the focus of this book, provided critiques, and identified those pesky grammar and explanatory errors, especially Sarah Hoopes, who served to review the content and compare it to national educational guidelines and served as principal content reviewer. Sarah would like to acknowledge all her family, friends, and professors who have encouraged her and made it possible to question, read, and explore the world. Of course, the electrical impulses on neurons could not have made it to words, phrases, and meaningful concepts without my ever-reliable, incredibly talented daughter Allison, who has risen to wizard status of medical writing and editing. Most of all, I appreciate my loving wife, Terri, and my four wonderful children, Andy and his wife Anna, Michael and his wife Nadine, Allison, and Christina and her husband Andy, for their patience and understanding.